IS13 - Full Scale Ship Performance Predictions

Organized by: R. Bensow (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden), A. Eslamdoost (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden) and R. Lopes (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)

Performance prediction for ships at full scale is gaining more and more interest and maturity, albeit the scarcity of data is still limiting for thorough validation. There are still several challenges, related to, e.g., roughness on both hull and propeller, correct prediction and propagation of ship wake and propeller slip, and boundary layer growth and separation in mildly non-equilibrium flows.

This session builds on previous interesting editions from the last MARINE conferences (Gothenburg and Madrid) on predictions of boundary layers and roughness at different scales, but now extended to also include contributions on full ship performance predictions. We thus welcome contributions ranging from fundamental studies and modelling of boundary layers and roughness of relevance for ship performance predictions, to complete power predictions.