Invited Sessions

IS currently under consideration by the Organising Committee – a definitive list of IS will be posted here in due course

Organized by: A. Posa (CNR-INM, National Research Council, Italy)
Organized by: A. Serani (CNR-INM, Italy), T. P.Scholcz (MARIN, Netherlands) and H. P. Solak (Pîrî Reis University, Turkey)
Organized by: G. Barajas Ojeda (IHCantabria, Spain), J. L. Lara (IHCantabria, Spain) and I. J. Losada (IHCantabria, Spain)
Organized by: D. Wan (Computational Marine Hydrodynamics Lab (CMHL), China), A. Zhang (Harbin Engineering University, China), G. Zhang (Dalian University of Science and Technology, China), T. Li (Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China) and Z. Zhang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China)
Organized by: Y. Zhao (Dalian University of Technology, China), G. Wang (Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, China) and D. Feng (Zhejiang Ocean University, China)
Organized by: A. Leroyer (LHEEA, CNRS UMR, France), P. Bot (IRENaV, France) and L. Marimon Giovannetti (RISE Research Institute of Sweden, Sweden)
Organized by: S. Kaidi (Direction Technique Eau, France) and P. Du (School of Marine Science and Technology, China)
Organized by: H. Iftikhar (Istanbul Technical University, Turkey) and M. Naqqash (Istanbul Technical University, Turkey)
Organized by: E. Balaras (George Washington University, United States)
Organized by: P. Schmitt (Queen’s University Belfast, United Kingdom) and F. de Arcos (University of Oxford, United Kingdom)
Organized by: A. Coraddu (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands) and L. Oneto (University of Genoa, Italy)
Organized by: R. Bensow (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden), A. Eslamdoost (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden) and R. Lopes (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
Organized by: I. Kragic (University of Split, FESB, Croatia)
Organized by: G. Rozza (International School for Advanced Studies, Italy), N. Demo (International School for Advanced Studies, Italy) and M. Tezzele (University of Texas at Austin, United States)
Organized by: M. Muensch (Institute of Fluid Mechanics (LSTM), Germany), S. Kosleck (Chair of Ocean Engineering , Germany) and M. Semel (Bauer Maschinen GmbH, Germany)
Organized by: N. Hutchins (University of Melbourne, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Australia) and J. Monty (University of Melbourne, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Australia)
Organized by: B. di Paolo (ENGYS S.R.L., Italy) and P. Geremia (ENGYS S.R.L., Italy)
Organized by: Y. Huang (University of Edinburgh) and S. A. Karamanos (University of Thessaly, Greece)
Organized by: J. Mesa (Anaconda Inc., United States)
Organized by: Y. Liu, J. Tan and Y. Han
Organized by: S. E. Morris (Montana State University, United States)
Organized by: C. Bose (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom)
Organized by: A. Berstad
Organized by: S. Leonardi