IS08 - Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Ocean Engineering

Organized by: H. Iftikhar (Istanbul Technical University, Turkey) and M. Naqqash (Istanbul Technical University, Turkey)

The world's oceans, covering over 70% of the Earth's surface, represent a vast frontier of opportunity and challenge for sustainable development. As human activities increasingly impact marine ecosystems, the need for innovative solutions in ocean engineering becomes imperative. This abstract presents a comprehensive overview of emerging technologies poised to revolutionize sustainable ocean engineering practices.

One promising area of advancement lies in autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) equipped with cutting-edge sensors and AI algorithms. These AUVs enable precise monitoring and mapping of marine environments, facilitating more efficient resource management and conservation efforts. Additionally, unmanned surface vessels (USVs) equipped with renewable energy systems offer a sustainable alternative for oceanographic research and maritime surveillance, reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

Furthermore, the development of biomimetic materials inspired by marine organisms holds immense potential for sustainable infrastructure in ocean engineering. Bio-inspired designs mimic the resilience and efficiency of natural systems, offering solutions for corrosion-resistant coatings, drag reduction, and marine habitat restoration.

In the realm of renewable energy, tidal and wave energy technologies are gaining traction as viable sources of clean power generation. Innovations in turbine design and deployment methods enhance efficiency while minimizing ecological impact, contributing to the transition towards a carbon-neutral energy landscape.

Advances in data analytics and machine learning algorithms are also revolutionizing marine resource management and ecosystem monitoring. By analysing vast datasets collected from remote sensors and satellite imagery, these technologies enable real-time decision-making and predictive modelling, empowering stakeholders to mitigate environmental risks and optimize ocean-based industries sustainably.

In conclusion, the integration of emerging technologies in sustainable ocean engineering presents a promising pathway towards safeguarding the health and vitality of marine ecosystems while unlocking new opportunities for responsible economic development. Continued research, innovation, and collaboration are essential to harnessing the full potential of these transformative technologies in addressing the complex challenges facing our oceans.